Monday, April 27, 2009

World's Fair Project

North America is doing this World's Fair(WF)project thing on May 5th. The 6th graders are doing a culture or something about that culture that we have studied and go into depth with it. The 5th grader's pick a state and do research about that state. I'm doing Greek Gods. What I'm doing is I picked 5 gods(Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Athena) and seeing how well people know them. Then I'm going to tell about them and have pictures of them. Of course I have a graph of seeing how well people know them.

Anyways even though the WF isn't till May 5th we have to turn it all in finished on Wednesday. This Wednesday. I'm not close to finishing, so I'm kind of stressing out(cause I always stress about projects!) and then on top of that, my mom's leaving tomorrow. Normally my mom helps me out with these kind of things cause she's crafty and has good idea's. So yeah.

Oh and I'll post pictures of my project and the WF.


King Family said...

Sounds neat.

Brooke S :) said...

well good luck on your project. for me, this would be the time I start it :)I still totally miss you!!!!!!
currently, my favorite animal is a
armadillo/dung beetle/rhino/hippo

Emma said...

Hi Brooke!! Dung beetle? Sounds gross! I e-mailed you. Did you get it?

I still totally miss you too!!!!!!!

Rachel said...

Good luck with the project. Sounds like a lot of work! I'm sure you'll do great!!

Karimi said...

Good luck on your project and thanks for the idea of getting a book as a display object!!