Monday, April 20, 2009

I need.....

There's this thing that my sister did on face book and since I don't have a face book, I decided to put it on my blog!

Here's how you do it: Go to Google and search your name plus needs(ex: Emma needs) and see what comes up. List the first 10.

mine were:

1. Emma needs a Love Song (umm...okay)
2. Emma needs serious help(........)
3. Emma needs you!(yeah that's right I do need you guys!=)
4. Emma needs a new home(NOOOO!!! we just moved not to long ago and I like this house!)
5. Emma needs more prayers(not really, I'm not sick)
6. Emma needs a sikick(you know those people who help the super heroes. I don't know how to spell it)
7. Emma needs a piano now( umm no I don't, I already have one!)
8. Emma needs a real man(not yet I don't=)
9. Emma needs a haircut(no I don't,I like my haircut that I got last time)
10. Emma needs a middle name(again no I don't, I already have a middle name and it's Lee!)
11. Emma needs to gain weight(I don't want to! I don't want to be fat!)

Sorry I did 11 because I couldn't leave out the gain weight one! Anyways you guys should do this and post it on your blogs! It can be really funny!


Hope & Ryley said...

Sidekick. :)lol you could have asked me how to spell it when I was helping you!

Stacey said...

I'm going to give that a try and see what Stacey needs! lol Probably a lot! lol

Darn it that I missed your craft it forward too! Geez, I'll be on my toes for the next one.
