Saturday, January 3, 2009

Card Games

On New Years day we went over to the Woodward's house and they taught us a game called The Great Dalmuti and it's really fun!! What you do is you deal out the deck of cards and pair up the cards in your hand highest to lowest. Then someone goes first and they lay down their highest set of cards and then you go around the table and if you have a set of cards lower than that then you lay it down. The thing is if they lay down 3 12's then you have to lay down 3 of something lower than 12. There are 12 12's, 11 11's, 10 10's and so on and so forth in the deck. Why it's called The Great Dalmuti is because whoever gets rid of their cards first become The Great Dalmuti (the king) and whoever gets out 2nd is the Queen, 3rd you are neutral, 4th you're neutral, 5th you are lower pion(I don't know how you spell it. It's pronounced pee-on), and 6th you are the greater pion. But the placement all depends on how many people are playing. Everybody is neutral except the two pion's and the Dalmuti and the Queen. Does that make sense to anyone but me?

Then yesterday we played Canasta. I had never played it before and for a first timer I think I did pretty good! It was really fun and I can't wait till we play it again! I was really excited because every round except for one I got at least one Bonus! Have you played Canasta before?


Rachel said...

Both games sound fun. I've never played canasta before (or the other one), but it sounds like one to try.

The two old crows said...

Yep, I've been playing canasta since I was about 12 or 13. My sisters and I used to play it everyday in the summer to pass the time away.

young family said...

They are both a blast!! I'm glad you enjoy them, maybe between us both we can get everyone playing :) Love you Emma!!

Baxter said...

Canasta is really fun, I've never heard of the other one before.

Bainter Family Antics said...

We played Canasta and Racko just last night. Since we have so many players, half of us played one while the other half played the other, then we switched out some of the players once in a while so that we all got to play both. We had a lot of fun!!! We always end up talking a little bit about your grandpa Kinsman when we pull out Canasta. He was really fun to play with!!!

Tina said...

Yep, I love Canasta too, but it is really hard to find someone who knows how to play it and even harder to try to teach the game . . . it's complicated!

It would be fun to learn the new game . . . .

King Family said...

Fun.. Yeah I've played Canasta too.