Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nat-Soo-Pah and Hoover Dam

For all of you who don't know, I am on a two month cross country trip with my sister Hope, my mom, and my brother Tayler. So far we have all had a blast! We started off at Nat-Soo-Pah Hot-spring in Idaho for a family reunion. Not to brag or anything, but I pretty much have the best family ever! We all get along super amazing together and we always have a lot of fun :) At Nat-Soo-Pah they had a big pool, a hot tub and a hot soak pool. The pool was warm and felt really amazing, the hot tub was just like a regular hot tub but the hot soak pool was like burn your flesh off hot! Especially in the 100 degree weather! I think I stayed in it for like 2 seconds lol. 

Just keep swimming :)

still swimming! I think we stayed in the pool practically all day, which would explain the  amazing
burns that I have on my shoulders..

Aunt Heidi, me and my cousin Kara :)

Kellie with her daughter Kate, Grandpa and Tayler 
After Nat-Soo-Pah, we headed on our way to the Grand Canyon. We made an unexpected stop at the Hoover Dam though :)

Las Vegas anyone? Rachel I can't believe you lived here! It was
still like 103 degrees at 7:00 at night!!

Welcome to the Hoover Dam 

Biggest dam I've ever seen! And of course with the dam, comes the dam jokes :)
(i.e. dam gift shop, dam security, ect.)


Bridge over to Arizona time 

I never realized how close the Hoover dam was to Arizona.
 Yup we had a lot of fun :) And more fun to come!!


Rachel Mcgee said...

It's really fun in Vegas Emma! I loved it! I honestly miss it. :) Remember how tan you are there? Sounds like you are having a blast. We definitely need to Skype. :)

Tina said...

Family time is the most wonderful time ever spent. Hoover dam is unbelievable isn't it? Did you make "dam" jokes while you where there???
too fun!