Sunday, November 1, 2009


So this Halloween i went up to forest gale heights to trick-or-treat with Rachel, Autumn, Chloe, Hannah, Elise, Lily, Emilee, Jacob, and Adam. It was awesome! Aot of the people in forest gale heights gave out the big candy bars!(not the minis!) It sucked though cause Rachel was sick so she couldn't go with us.(sorry Rachel! we missed you!) Then after we went around the neighborhood we went back to Rachel's house and got cupcakes. Then Emilee, Jacob and Adam came back to our neighborhood with me and Tayler (and out chauffeur, our mom.) We then went around our neighborhood! It was awesome because one of the houses gave out a bag of chips, a big handful of candy and a toy!(kinda reminds me of the kids meal at McDonald's!) At one of the houses the dude told me and Emilee that that was the biggest load(of candy) that he's seen all night! Over all I had an awesome night!!! =)

p.s. I was a football fan! i carried around my teddy bear(who was the player i was a fan of) and he had a little football helmet on.

p.s.s. I also saw Karimi and Murimi while i was up in Rachel's neighborhood!


Karimi said...

Oh I didnt't know that Rachel was sick... Oh that stinks.. Yeah and I so you too!! also I didnt know at the time what you were. But now that you mention it you did look like a football fan, I also didnt know why you had a teddy bear with you but now it makes sense. :)

The two old crows said...

It sounds like you had a lovely night. Happy belated halloween.

emii said...

Sounds like an awesome night!:)


Emma said...

Thanks! It was awesome! :)