Saturday, November 7, 2020

1 Year Old!!

Height: 31.7 in
Weight: 23 lbs 13 oz

Blake turned 1 year old last month!! I can't believe my little baby is a whole year old now. He's still the happy little guy he's been the whole year, especially now that all his molars have come in and we've gotten a little break from teething 👐. 

His spiderman car
Bath time
Vienna sausages
Basically everything

Being told no
Tacos (I have no idea why) 
New textures at first

Ah my little Blakey ❤️ We love him so much! He's so cute and smiley. His new favorite thing to do is to point and say 'huh!" in his cute little voice to show us what he wants. He's still not saying too many words and definitely not consistently, but I've probably heard him say 5 different words. He loooooves going outside so it's really hard now that it's gotten so much colder and rainier. Blake had a total of 9 teeth on his birthday, but now has 12. Blake loves music whether it's my whistling, singing, or actually listening to the radio. He will dance and dance ❤️ 

Happy birthday Blake Elliott! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

11 Months

Height: 31"
Weight: 23.2 lbs

Picnic shape sorter

Not being able to open cabinets
Being told no
Water on his face

Mr. Blake got his 8th tooth this month! It doesn't seem like there are any others on their way, but he does not like me to look in his mouth so it's hard to tell. Blake had his first fever this month as well, and it was so sad! He was so tired and grumpy and just wanted to be held by me ❤️ I'm pretty sure he had roseola, because after his fever he got a rash, with no other symptoms. He also got his first real haircut, with a buzzer and everything! His hair was so long around his ears and neck, so I buzzed it around his ears but left it long on top. Blake is 100% a walker now. He hardly ever crawls, and is starting to try and run. He dances more to music than he used too and will dance when he's eating yummy food too 🤣 Blake has a big personality, and we love him so much ❤️

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

10 Months

Height: ~30"

Weight: ~23 lbs.


  • Going outside
  • Dogs
  • Pushing buttons on his toys
  • Walking!!
  • Clapping
  • Clicking tongue


  • Being told no
  • Having his hair washed

I can't believe I almost forgot to post Blakes 10 month old pictures and data! I blame it on the fact that we were in Utah when Blake turned 10 months old, so I even forgot to weight and measure him so what I put are just guesses. I'll be better next month hopefully haha! I did remember to take some pictures before we went to Utah though. Anyways, onto Blake's 10 month shenanigans. He is walking now! Walking! He will take a few steps all on his own, and if he is walking towards something he really wants he can take several steps! He is getting so big, I cannot believe it. He started saying dada this month which made Isaac really happy, and now he hardly says mama 😒What a stinker! I'm also pretty sure he says hi sometimes, and I swear he said dog once. No new teeth this month which has been a nice break, but I'm pretty sure he has one super close to coming through. Our little guy is growing up, I can't believe we only have 2 more months until his first birthday 😲💙

Blake always makes this super excited face when he starts to walk on his own 😍

Blakes first beach trip!! 

Monday, July 6, 2020

9 Months

Height: 29.3"
Weight: 21 lb. 14.6 oz

Going outside
Reading books
Playing pat-a-cake

Being told no
Not getting what he wants

This month Blake popped three more teeth in, giving him a total of 7! He is cruising around on all the furniture that he can and loves climbing the stairs. Basically all we do all day long is help Blake walk around the house and make sure he doesn't get into things he shouldn't. He doesn't want to sit still for very long at all!

Blake still LOVES to go outside and will pull himself up on the front door and bang out it. Grandma taught him that that's how he says he wants to go outside. We go outside a lot! He's getting better and better at walking around with his shoes on which is awesome.

Lately, Blake has been wanting to wake up at 6:00 a.m. but I can't be too upset about it because we put him to bet at 7/7:30 and he sleeps all night long! He's a good little sleeper. And just like always, he's a good little eater too. He eats basically everything I give him! He doesn't want to be spoon fed anymore so I've been giving him more table foods and he just loves it. He'll eat baby food if it's in a pouch though so I bought some reusable food pouches to put his baby puree's in.

Blake LOVES screaming as well and screams whenever he's happy (so basically anytime he's full or see's Grandma)!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

8 Months

Height: ~28.5"
Weight: ~21 lbs

Going outside
Crawling and walking
Bath time
Pop-up books or touch and feel books
Toys that move or make sound

Loud noises from other babies

Blake now had 4 teeth and is moving around like crazy!! He now exclusively crawls on his hands and knees and loves to walk around with our help. Sometimes I'll go to sit him down on the floor and he moves his legs so that he can stay standing! He'll also pull to a stand on anything that he can. He uses my legs a lot, and then sometimes once he's standing, he'll let go of me. He's quite the little dare devil and I wouldn't be surprised if he started walking before he's 1 year old. Blake LOVES to be outside. Whenever he's grumpy, we just take him outside and he's immediately happy. 

This month we got to go to Utah for a week so Blake got to have fun with his cousins and Uncles and Aunts. It took him practically the whole week to get used to the other babies and he still wasn't used to all the adults by the time we left. This quarantine has really made his stranger danger strong. Overall he had a good time, and I hope we'll be able to take him back to Utah before the summer is over 😊

Pool day!! 

He LOVES his indestructible books

First time Blake pulled to a stand all by himself on something besides me or Isaac! 

Blake and Aunt Judy

Blake cried the whole time he was on the blanket with Georgie and Evan haha

First trip to the zoo!!